Durham Street and Durham Lane was completed in November 2019, providing an attractive and welcoming space for the community.
Durham Street and Durham Lane was completed in November 2019, providing an attractive and welcoming space for the community.
The new street layout features 1,690 plants, and new wooden benches and lighting, while the narrower, raised road provides improved pedestrian accessibility. As part of the project, a significant amount of work took place underground, future-proofing the area. This included the renewal of 650 metres of water pipes, 300 metres of gas lines and 150 metres stormwater pipes, as well as sewer and electric services upgrades.
The Durham Street and Durham Lane upgrade was designed to create a contemporary and inviting community space which will work with and enhance the new University of Waikato campus. Community feedback has significantly influenced the design, especially in terms of greening the street and the seating elements
Citygreen's Strata Vault soil cell system was utilized in this project providing optimum ground conditions for the trees that were planted in permeable paved areas.